Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Be A Lady With Some Balls

Since when does being a lady mean you have to be a pussy?

I'm serious. Maybe it was just my upbringing by my dad; he raised me like a son that also had different reproductive organs. I learned to be assertive, direct, and verbal about a lot of things. I had a really fun childhood (having an older brother helps) and my personality definitely helps my progression in my current career (yelling at people).

When I was younger, this behavior wasn't always accepted. People would call me a bitch for being honest about what I felt. When I got older, they said I was being rude for saying my mind. And now I'm referred to as "The Pitbull" at my job because I get our clients to reply with the necessary assets. All of this is cute and TOTALLY appreciated, but that doesn't mean I'm not a fuckin' lady. I'm proper as shit when I want to be! But my behavior models the MODERN DAY woman, the one that can be independent and upfront about things that get on my nerves. You don't need to be quiet to be considered a lady. You just need to accept your gender, your sexuality, and have your personality fit.

And if anyone tells you otherwise, tell them to eat your dick. OH WAIT YOU DON'T HAVE ONE CUZ YOU'RE A CLASSY LADY!

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