Thursday, June 7, 2012

Your Body Needs Water, So Drink That Sh!t

**DISCLAIMER** I am not a doctor, but I still say everyone needs to fucking drink water. I'm not even close to a health nut but I know how important it is to drink water. It's magic in a simple chemical equation of a few hydrogen atoms mixed with an oxygen atom and BAM! It does everything.

It can flush out your body of unhealthy toxins, it can rehydrate your cells in your body since you're mainly MADE OUT OF WATER, and it helps illnesses (acne, colds, fevers, headaches, etc). My biggest problem is that I always forget to drink enough water. My body's mainly dehydrated 24/7, which is why when my friends are at concerts, they gotta take a break to get water. Meanwhile, my exhausted body is already on autopilot and then when I get to drink something, I go through 4 bottles within 5 minutes. It's insane how bad I am with water. Left alone by a water cooler, I'll wreck that thing within 1 day of work; half of the cooler will be gone.

Just for your entertainment, here's a video that puts an extra emphasis about my feelings on the matter... Amongst other feelings on other topics...:

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