Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Blame My Biology" excuses

I don't like watching TV that much, but I turn it on so I can watch cartoons (Adventure Time is AMAZING). A lot of the target audience for cartoons are kids and teenagers since this is viewed as an "immature" fantasy world or whatever nonsense no-fun people spew out. That's insane to tell people but moving on, I keep seeing commercials on how to treat acne or bad skin, whatever. Instead of going through healthy routes to help kids like eating healthy (levels out hormone levels that control acne), drinking LOTS of water (it flushes out toxins that cause breakouts), or accepting your looks of who you are and focus on being a better person; they tell kids to "blame biology" and use some random treatment stuff.

Now that's just nonsense. How can you go so low as to blame genetics for acne??? Really? We can't make everyone agree that being gay is something you're born with and can't be changed (as scientists look for the "gay" gene) but we can just say "your biology sucks, take this crap instead!" That's such a sick mentality. Yes, genetics make us more PRONE to certain factors in our life; how tall you'll be, how fast your hair will grow or fall out, the color of your eyes before you got colored contacts; but that doesn't mean taking some commercial spewed product will make EVERYTHING better. Instead of letting kids eat crap like candy, potato chips, processed sugars, and deep-fried foods, shouldn't we teach them how to do things better?

I've been reading this book for a while called "Anatomy of the Spirit" and a huge quote I like to use (for the rest of my life) states that "Your biography becomes your biology". Meaning that the steps you take in life affect how you will develop as a person, inside and out. So if you want to blame your biology, then also blame on the factors that brought you to have this biology, and change that instead.

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