Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WTF Bus #8

Today overall was a pretty nice day. The weather wasn't too hot, it didn't rain but it felt like it would, and I caught the bus on time. Unfortunately, I caught the bus on time.

There was a woman who kept trying to ask people for 50¢; only 50¢ and of course because we're on a bus, no one will give you any form of money! It seems like when you're not on the bus, you'll find more people willing to give you money. It makes more sense to be given money when you're on the bus because now you're stuck with them for at least 10 minutes.

She finally gave up after four people didn't give her money and decided to keep being a verbal nuisance. There was a woman sitting across from her that had a very cute and short haircut dyed red. And this woman just decided to not shut the fuck up.

Woman: Oh you got such a cute haircut. It looks so nice on you, I know it's good when it's so hot outside, to just chop it all off! That's what I'd do. And that red hair color, it's so nice. Did the people who dye it also cut it? That's so nice, some places don't do that but that's so nice. Definitely good for someone like me. My birthday's in September. I'm turning 50, yup, 50 years old. And I got 7 kids. Yup, seven children and now I'm a grandmother. I know, it's a blessing I've been here long enough to see this. God is keeping me here, which is why it's always good to read a bible for the word of the Lord. But I need new glasses, that's why I like that Urban Eyes place over there, that place is nice...

THANK GOD I FINALLY GOT TO MY BUS STOP! I DID NOT WANT TO COMPREHEND ANYMORE DUMB CONVERSATION!!! It's like the people on the bus have stream of consciousness talk and it just doesn't end....

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